Monday, January 18, 2010

Dickinson of the Blog-o-Sphere

I've had this blog for a while, but it has morphed into a few different kinds of blogs along the way. My first goal was to blog every day for a whole year. I think that started last spring. That didn't quite pan out, so it turned into the kind of blog that I would contribute to very regularly, just not every day. Then I actually ended up thinking and writing more deeply because I wasn't doing it every single day. For me, writing deeper posts usually means half of my blog sits in draft, waiting to be really developed so I can feel okay with sharing it with the world. I'm a frustrated blogger.

Now that some friends have taken an interest in blogging again (post-Xanga craze), I really want to join them. So I decided to add all previous posts to draft, and if I ever get around to putting finishing touches on any of them, I'll re-post. For now, this frustrated blogger is starting anew. Day One. (Okay, Day Many Past One.) If I have readers, I'll be more encouraged to keep writing. Unfortunately sometimes that also encourages me to hide what I write if I don't think it's good enough. I'm like a blog recluse...perhaps one day when I am dead they will find my ramblings and I will live on in the annuls of...history? Somehow I think it might not work that way.

Anyway, hello world. I'm back!

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